
Saturday, November 06, 2010

Use of Video Clips

Last month, I began large group guidance lessons in 4th grade on conflict resolution and in 5th grade on conflict resolution, bullying, decision making, peer pressure and careers. I always try to bring into the classroom the most interesting materials - so that I increase the likelihood that the skills I teach will be retained by the students.

A few years ago, a colleague of mine introduced me to United Streaming (at This service is purchased by my school district for our staff to use in their daily instruction. Videos are streamed from a classroom computer, to a LCD projector and then onto a classroom screen, wall, or Smartboard. Speakers hooked up to the classroom computer will project the sound throughout the entire classroom.

If you have access, it is very easy to sign up. Once you do, you can search the thousands of video titles. You can access entire videos or parts of videos through United Streaming. Once you find those you would like to use, you can save them to "My Content " for easy access when you arrive in each classroom. The videos can be easily paused to engage students in discussions. Additionally, it is so easy to switch from one video clip to the next. Gone are the days of fast forwarding a VHS tape!

My colleague and I utilize video clips to compliment and supplement our large group guidance lessons. We have found that the kids relate to the scenarios portrayed in the videos, which seems to really "drive home" the topics we have taught in class.

For suggested titles or questions on the use of video clips, please feel free to comment to this blog posting.