I include a page titled, Counselor Connection, in each published newsletter.
Counselor Connection
- At the top of the page - Counselor Connection flanked by my name, school, role, counseling office phone number, main office phone number, and my email address.
- The first section that spans across the page, is my monthly message. In this section, I describe the past month's events and happenings from the counseling office perspective. Highlights from school functions, a message of encouragement, or a short personal story may show up in this section. It is through my message that I hope the readers will be able to see a bit of my personality.
- Classroom Lessons - This section tells readers what grade levels I visited to do large group guidance lessons, what topics were covered, and some highlights that parents/guardians can bring up in discussions at home to reinforce the skills/concepts learned. This is where I inform readers of upcoming lessons and topic areas.
- News Flash - Readers will find upcoming events or other helpful information in this section. I will list information about programs I'm running during the school day that require parent permission (such as small groups), after school programs, summer camps/programs, upcoming events for parents/guardians, community service/agency information, and highlights of school events related to the school counseling program. I remind parents/guardians to call for further information and/or applications (if needed), if they have any questions, or if they need any assistance accessing the mentioned services or programs. I include my name and phone number again in this section.